Aurora Engine

Originally from the north east of England, Aurora Engine (aka Deborah Shaw) is a ground-breaking Edinburgh-based singer-songwriter, composer and producer. She was Single of the Week on BBC Radio Scotland flagship show The Afternoon Show and interviewed by Janice Forsyth, Artist of the Week in Scotland On Sunday featured by The Skinny for her sold out run at Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Terre for Made In Scotland) and secured airplay via BBC Radio Newcastle, Amazing Radio and more. Aurora Engine releases her album Secret Knock, on Fri 9 February 2024 which sees Shaw mix progressive electronica alongside live harp and piano, while singing in her native Geordie-tinged dialect. The album explores topics such as Shaw’s experience as a single mother, tales of imaginary friends, miniaturists, the porn industry, feminist themes and drunken brawls.

“…Aurora Engine (aka Deborah Shaw) is an impressive, ultra-cool artist, if you’re a fan of trail-blazing artists like Björk, Kate Bush and Anna Meredith, look no further, this is for you, it’s fantastic.” The Scotsman

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Aurora Engine - no current gigs, but they could still have something scheduled in your area. Please visit their website or socials to find out.